With Hanna Dylan | Summer 2024

A 6-week program to embody & express the fullness of your feminine range, through your unique he(art).


With Hanna Dylan | Summer 2024

A 6-week program for you to embody the fullness of your feminine range, through your unique he(art).


Can you imagine transmuting ANY heavy emotion or trigger into love, power, & eros?




Your prayer, movement, song, voice, writing, & embodiment can ALL be in the name of creating ART. 

Your he(art) becomes an offering to the divine so you can be FREE & LIBERATED within. 

How freeing would life feel if you didn’t have to force or push your creativity? 

What if you could learn how to channel your deep longing for love back into yourself? 

How different would your relationship be if you could take any trigger or wound and turn them into erotic energy? 

Your ability to surrender, trust, and let go is what allows your pain or resistance to dissolve and turn into beauty.

I want you to know that you have the power to become your own inner alchemist.


Alchemist: a person who transforms or creates something through a seemingly magical process. 

If you have been on your spiritual path for at least a few years you’ve been “doing the work” yet, you feel like there is a next level of embodiment and creativity that wants to pour through your vessel, this is your personal invitation into… 

In this course you will learn how to…  

  • Become a true alchemist by taking any emotion— grief, rage, despair, apathy, sadness, etc. and know exactly how to transmute your emotions into beauty, love, and erotic power. 
  • Create your unique art out of your pain, triggers, wounds, and longing through your body, prayer, writing, song, and content, instead of staying stuck in your sh*t. 
  • Confidently express your truth in your relationship without holding back your needs or desires.
  • See your triggers as an opportunity to embody your feminine range vs. allowing your wounded feminine take over and punish your partner (or yourself).
Art does not ask for perfection.


Art asks for your rawness.


Art wants your mess.


Art craves your longing.


The kind of art that I am pointing towards is…

Art that heals you. 

Art that inspires. 

Art that moves you and others because of how authentic your expression is. 

What I have learned along my path of feminine embodiment is that you must open up your channel to the artistry that God wants to move through you.


You must be WILLING to walk through the fire of your own despair so that the truth of your soul essence can come ALIVE. 


this is for you if...

  • You are riding the waves of deep longing for your King. Your longing feels so intense sometimes and you feel that you need an outlet to channel your longing back into you
  • You are going through heartbreak and you desire to have tools to alchemize your the waves of grief & still show up for your creations + life
  • You are currently in a relationship and you want to learn a new way to work through triggers & wounds with play and erotic energy vs. projecting and blaming 
  • You are a woman who feels deeply and you want to learn how to use self-pleasure and other embodiment practices to feel more pleasure in your life. 

What previous clients are sharing


All this time I have been saying how marriage was like a cage... all these men kept me in cages. But I just realize that while yes those were all cages, the wrost one was the one I kept myself in Hanna. I'm feeling free. I have gotten myself out of my own cage and I'm teary just writing this.


-Dayexi C.

Photographer & mother 


your guidance, the way you hold space, and invite me into practices and new beliefs that helped me tap into the fullness of my feminine range. You helped me feel more accepted, loved, and comfortable to be ME and more connected my soul essence.I feel very in tune, loved and confident in a way that is fierce, soft, and beautiful all the same time. Thank you for your clear structure that allowed space for the feminine aspect part of me to feel safe and fully-expressed!

-Anna Ha, Team Educator 


was one of the most pivotal choices I've ever made in pursuit of my highest expression. Prior to our 1:1 retreat in Asheville I had left an exhausting 7 year relationship and really needed to reset my nervous system. My time with Hanna supported me in releasing pain of the past, reconnecting with my body and activating my feminine power in a new way. Returning home, I feel more radiant, magnetic and connected to my sensuality than ever before. Life has been feeling juicy and exciting ever since! The retreat was exactly what I needed (and more) to heal and restore after a difficult time. Hanna is a pure and potent channel, a loving guide and sacred space holder. What a gift it is to receive her medicine!

-Samantha Leora

Mother & spiritual guide

Alchemy as Artistry

  • 5 Live transmissions on zoom (75-90 minute calls)
    • Each live call will be based the 5 Pillars : ART, EROS, PRAYER, EMBODIMENT, & ALCHEMY. We will always do a different embodiment/somatic practice, followed by the transmission.
  • Private Telegram group to share your he(art) and receive support in sisterhood
  • Bonuses 
    • Femme Tantric Arts Bundle (2 masterclasses: Art of Effective Communication & Transform Pain to Power, Woman Ignited mini series) 
    • An additional Q+ A Integration call



Enroll Now and Save $334!

$777 or two payments of $444


Alchemy as Artistry VIP

  • 5 Live transmissions on zoom (75-90 minute calls)
    • Each live call will be based the 5 Pillars : ART, EROS, PRAYER, EMBODIMENT, & ALCHEMY. We will always do a different embodiment/somatic practice, followed by the transmission.
  • Private Telegram group to share your he(art) and receive support in sisterhood
  • Bonuses 
    • Femme Tantric Arts Bundle (2 masterclasses: Art of Effective Communication & Transform Pain to Power, Woman Ignited mini series) 
    • An additional Q+ A Integration call
  • 2X 60 minute 1:1 somatic coaching sessions with me



Enroll Now and Save!



About me

Hi beautiful soul. I'm Hanna Dylan. Intimacy & embodiment expert, relationship guide, and sensuality coach. I have been coaching men + women in conscious relationships, self-love, spiritual growth, and personal empowerment for the last 5+ years. Prior to my coaching career, I was a full time yoga teacher, thai body worker, and reiki healer.

My life has been a ruthless journey in so many karmic lessons around love, relationships, & sex. I would attract partners that were not serving me where I could not be my fully expressed self. I would get stuck in relationships where I was sexually suppressed and starving for deeper connection & intimacy.

Heartbreak after heartbreak my world has been ripped out from under me many times. Through my initiations in love + dating and my deep connection with God, I have been able to reclaim my power, pleasure, and purpose where it was once lost, all through becoming my own inner alchemist. 

I currently support many clients to no longer settle for breadcrumbs in love & life, and teach people how to fully claim their desires with power. In my work I blend the ancient art of tantra with somatic healing, embodiment practices, and active listening + mirror work.  

It would be an honor to serve you to remember that you are an alchemist who can feel her pain and turn everything into art!

Are you ready?

A 6-week program to embody & express the fullness of your feminine range, through your unique he(art).


What previous clients are sharing

the most impactful decision I could have made for myself

Choosing to work with Hanna for a 6-month container was quite possibly the most impactful decision I could have made for myself. Within the first 2 months, my entire life began to fill with abundance and blessings as I blossomed into my fullest expression... liberated, empowered, and on FIRE! I was called to work with Hanna because I had completely lost touch with my sensuality, literally believing I would never feel my inner sex goddess again. We completely rewrote this belief and UNLEASHED the sexy lioness that was dormant within me. Since our container ended, my divine partner came into my life and because of the powerful work with Hanna, I have the tools to show up for my partner with so much integrity. I know my boundaries and have the strength & courage to communicate them with grace. Investing in my soul's evolution with Hanna up-leveled my life in ways I could have never accomplished without her support. 

-Skylar Maree